W&J Energy Center to hold shale gas planning discussion

The Center for Energy Policy and Management at Washington & Jefferson College, in partnership with the Local Government Academy, will hold an informational program entitled “Regulating and Planning for Shale Gas Development: A 2017 Update” from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 26 in Yost Auditorium, Burnett Center, 60 S. Lincoln St.
The program will update local officials and residents of Southwestern Pennsylvania on current zoning and land use issues in communities across the commonwealth. The program will have a particular emphasis on regulating shale gas development through land use controls.
Speakers at this event will discuss the role of local government in regulating shale gas development; recent state and federal court rulings that affect local land use controls; and how communities are developing ordinances that address issues such as buffers, noise, and odor.
The event is free to the public, but registration is required at http://shalehub.org/2017. Scroll down to the Communities section.