From Frank Sarris Public Library
Upcoming Events
Paint & Sip
An evening of painting while enjoying light bites, wine and the company of friends. The deadline to register is Aug. 14 with a fee of $20. 6-8 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 16.
Young Explorer Kit Open House
Language and Socialization – Have you checked out a Young Explorer Kit of themed games and toys? Drop in to explore and play with the contents of these kits that help develop communication skills, aimed at infants through first graders. 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 18.
Adult Nonfiction Book Club
“Henry David Thoreau: A Life” by Laura Dassow Walls will be discussed. New members always welcome. 2 p.m., Tuesday, Aug. 21.
Osteoporosis Prevention & Education
Program presented by Lynette Judy, RN, BSN, ONC, CFLN of Allegheny Health Network. Heel scans offered starting at 5 p.m. For additional information, email Tuesday, Aug. 21 at 6 p.m.
Ultimate Gaming Friday
Held in the YA Department 2:30-5 p.m., Friday, Aug. 24.
Teen Advisory Board
Students in grades 7-12 meet to plan, organize and lead activities that will engage and benefit members of the community. New members welcome. 6-7 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 4.
Fiction Book Club
Help select the next book. New members always welcome. Noon, Wednesday, Sept. 12.
Teen Writers’ Club
Teens in grades 7-12 will meet to write, share and support each other through the creative process. Whether you enjoy writing fiction, poetry, short stories or more, stop by to meet like-minded teens. 6-7 p.m., Monday, Sept. 17.
Halloween Tree, Craft night for adults
This event is limited to 10 participants. Registration required. For additional information, contact or call the library at 724-745-1308 option 1. 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 19.
Tamburitzans Benefit Performance
Through the generosity of the Slovenian Savings and Loan Association of Canonsburg, the Duquesne University Tamburitzans will do a performance 7 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 22 at the Canon-McMillan High School Auditorium to benefit the library. Tickets, at $20 for general admission, can be purchased at the library or online at
Return to Back to Hogwarts!
Two years ago, we had a fabulous Back to Hogwarts party throughout the upstairs, with many requests for a repeat. The 20th anniversary of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone’s publication in the United States is the perfect occasion! Join us for Quidditch matches, magical creature care, potion demonstrations, herbology and, of course, a stop at Honeydukes for some magical sweet treats! Feel free to wear your Hogwarts House robes! Saturday, Sept. 22.
Genealogy Workshop
Learn to use and other websites to find elusive ancestors. Registration required. 2 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 26.
Coupon Basics
Learn techniques and tips to maximize savings. $5 prepaid registration required. 6 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 26.
Ultimate Gaming Friday
Held in the YA Department, 2:30-5 p.m. Sept. 28.
Teen Advisory Board
Students in grades 7-12 meet to plan, organize and lead activities that will engage and benefit members of the community. New members welcome. 6-7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 1.
Trivia Night at the Round Tables, Halloween Edition!
Grab some friends and pool your knowledge together at our after-hours trivia competition. Teams will compete for first prize answering questions from different categories. We will have snacks and drinks to satisfy your hunger while our questions challenge your brain. The fee is $5 per person and teams can have four or five people. Registration is required and space is limited. Contact Beth Kairush or Leslie Yoder at 724-745-1308 (option #1) for more information. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 6.
Fiction Book Club
New members welcome. Noon, Tuesday, Oct. 10.
Weekly Programs
Lego Club
Children in grades kindergarten through 4, 5-6 p.m. Wednesdays.
Knitting/Crocheting Group
6-8 p.m. Wednesdays.
Computer Instruction
Designated library staff will provide one-on-one computer help. Call 724-745-1308 option 1 and make an appointment.
Coming in September
Yoga Storytime - Stretch and center at this special yoga session for kids (and their grownups)! We use stories and child-friendly concepts to guide toddlers on up through a simple yoga routine. Learning yoga can help kids (and grownups) build concentration and focus, learn to manage stress and develop body awareness.
Happy Monday! - Rise and shine and greet the new week with the sunniest storytime session you can imagine! We will read stories, sing songs, and do other activities designed to make you feel good.
Madcap Mondays - Join the fun for an after-school program that explores a new activity each week! Crafts, games and science are just a few of the possibilities – you can try something new or do something that you already love. Sessions for grades 2-4 and grades 5-8.
Mommy and Me (baby lapsit) - Just for you and the baby! Enjoy time together with other parents, caregivers and babies to learn, play and develop language and motor skills. Come prepared to sit on the floor one-on-one with your pre-walking baby in your lab. Ages birth to 18 months.
Toddlers and More Story Time - Provides active young children with stories, fingerplays and songs based on simple concepts, repetition and lots of movement. Fit for ages 2-3, but siblings are welcome.
Morning Storytime - A story time for children ages 5 and under, this program will feature stories, fingerplays and songs.
Wiggles and Giggles and Afternoon Wiggles and Giggles – Bring your little ones to stretch, sing, and dance. This program focuses on movement while developing gross motor skills, listening skills and social skills while introducing new vocabulary. Ages 2-5.
Little Picassos - Inspire your child’s imagination and self-expression in a program with hands on art activities. Every week is a new make-and-take creation.
More than Books - At preschool story times, your child will enjoy great stories, songs and some rhymes. Each class is a chance to practice kindergarten readiness skills like listening during stories, making predictions and following directions. For children from 3.5 to 5 years.
Toddler Tales - Provides active young children with stories, fingerplays and songs based on simple concepts, repetition, and lots of movement. For ages 2-3.
Family Night - This evening storytime/activity night for all ages is time for everyone, toddlers through great-grandparents, to get involved in stories, crafts, and games on a new topic to learn about each week
Spanish Story Time - Story time favorites – stories and songs – in Spanish. Children will also sing songs in Spanish and English that teach the colors, the weather, numbers, months, days of the week, family members and a basic conversation song.
Special Attraction
Athena Sarris Art Gallery - Canonsburg Light-up Mural made by approximately 300 seventh and eighth graders from Canon McMillan Middle School. The mural was funded through a grant from the Washington County Chapter of School Retirees. Stop in to view this interactive light-up mural of downtown Canonsburg.
For more details on upcoming events and a complete listing of upcoming events and online programs, visit, or call 724-745-1308.