It’s time to come together in the new year

Christmas and New Year’s were most likely celebrated in a very different way in 2020. I hope that you were able to celebrate in a meaningful way with your family and friends during this uncertain time with the pandemic and other challenges we face.
Turning my focus to the coronavirus pandemic, it looks like there may be some light at the end of the tunnel with the introduction of the vaccine. In the upcoming months, you will most likely have the opportunity to be vaccinated. I hope you make the choice to do so to protect yourself and your family and to prevent the spread of the virus so that we can get things back to some kind of normalcy.
Our future depends on us working together to help make a difference and stop the spread of the virus. That is why I am still asking asking each of you to continue with the utmost safety precautions in the upcoming months. Our community has been very lucky with low numbers, and I know that we all want to keep it that way. We all nee to continue the course of social distancing, frequent hand washing and wearing masks whenever we go out even though you may have been vaccinated.
January is a time for hope and new beginnings. My wish for the future is to bring back love and kindness so that we may bring people together and help overcome our differences. As we move forward in 2021, I hope that you will make that your priority too. Kindness to your neighbor or a stranger doesn’t cost a thing, and in doing so will help make our world a better place. We need to work together to find a common ground and bring back respect for each other as well as our police and other authoritative figures. Please try to have an open mind and accept people for the individuals that they are. It is my hope to leave a better world for our children and grandchildren. It is up to each of us as individuals to make the change.
Our small town, as well as Washington County, continues to come together in a big way to help people who are struggling. Our own town continues to have “Pop-up Pantries” as several locations during these difficult times to support those families in need. I am proud to be able to keep spreading love and kindness to others. We all can be an example to the rest of the world. Change starts at home. Thank you for helping us spread it throughout our land and for helping us lead and grow.
Thank you for your help in these most important matters. I am counting on all of you to do your part. Happy New Year! God bless you all and God bless the United States of America.