
Why you shouldn’t hate school

4 min read

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Q. I hate school. I hate school. To repeat – I hate school! Can you give me even one reason to not hate school? PS: When are you coming to teach?


Mary Jo’s response: I’m scheduling dates now, and will be starting in schools within the next weeks. Answering your PS was easy; I’ll defer to our peer educators’ wisdom to respond to your primary concern – hating school. They are significantly closer to your experience than I am.

I do have three reasons to focus on liking school (and, you only asked for one!):

1. School prepares you for life as an adult. Most people are not independently wealthy, so employment is part of everyday living. Finding a career you love is key to enjoying those days. School helps you on your path.

2. School may not always feel like fun, especially if you face challenges in your family or with peers. Staying strong and looking at school positively is important; learning to cope with challenges will give you the strength you need when you’re an adult. Each day is a new one. Make it count.

3. When we dislike something, we need to analyze why it is difficult for us. Hating an experience you face daily means you’re hating most of your life, and life is precious. If you know what you hate about school, we can work to improve the situation. I’d love to continue this conversation. The “why” of your feelings matters to me. Let’s talk soon.

Peer Educator response: • Although school isn’t your favorite place, it gets you one step closer to your dreams. Maybe you want to be a doctor. That’s a lot of schooling, but it’s all worth it in the end when you get to do what you’ve always wanted.

• Some of us aren’t big fans of school either, but we’re juniors now. Even if we’re counting the days to graduation, we realize school has helped us meet the people who mean the world to us now. If you don’t have a high school diploma, people look at you negatively when you’re searching for a job. The more you allow an “I hate school” mindset, the more miserable you make yourself.

• Some of us felt the same way in ninth grade, but now we’re seniors. We’re able to create our own schedules and learned to love every day and make the best of the days we don’t love.

• The real thing is your outlook. When I think a day will be bad, it is. When I’m ready to take the day on happily, it’s an amazing day I even want to share with my parents!

• Ninth grade can be overwhelming, especially if you’re moving into a new building and getting adjusted. Once you get the hang of things and how you should complete assignments, it will become easier and more enjoyable. Just remember, high school flies and you’ll miss it when you’re a senior saying goodbye to memories and friends.

• Enjoy school while you can and do your very best, so you can go to college or get a job you’re passionate about afterward. It all leads up to the bigger picture of your life, and this is the first step! Surround yourself with friends and positive people. Try to make connections with teachers so you can complete your work and get help when you need it.

• Join us and become a peer educator! You’ll see teaching in a totally different way. Our next training is from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 23. Connect with Mary Jo – she’s got you!

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