Broadcasting my conversation to the whole store
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I was talking on the phone in the convenience store, which I usually try not to do. I try not to do so because I am too scatterbrained these days to multitask and also because I find it rude to share private conversations in public places. However, I hadn’t talked to my sister-in-law in several weeks and we had finally connected, so I gave myself a pass against my rule.
I shouldn’t have.
I was grabbing a cup of coffee (it had been a week since my last cup) and was attempting to work the phone with my left hand and the coffee machine with my right. I had just slid the empty cup under the creamer nozzle and began to fill it when I heard a weird noise coming from the phone.
I pulled the phone away from my ear to look at it and saw that somehow, I had pressed the button to place a FaceTime call. Everyone could hear my conversation – and the weird ringing noise.
Quickly, I pressed the button to end that call, but the conversation was still quite noisy. Pulling the phone away again, I discovered that I had also inadvertently pressed the speaker phone button, thereby officially broadcasting my private conversation in the public place. This is one of the curses of having round, full cheeks!
I glanced around to see if anyone was casting dark glances my way, but nobody seemed disturbed except for me.
I went back to getting my coffee, and much to my shock and embarrassment, I had never taken my finger off of the creamer button during my difficulties with the phone. I had, by this point, filled a large coffee cup nearly halfway with caramel creamer. That ratio of coffee to creamer is too much for even me.
Realizing that mistakes were beginning to pile up, I put my sister-in-law on hold and stuck my phone in my pocket. Then, I dumped half of my creamer into another cup and filled them both with coffee. Quickly snapping lids on both cups, I paid and walked back to my car. Thankfully, I made it without spilling much.
Then, I pulled my sister-in-law out of my pocket and apologized to her for the number of times I had said, “Oh for the love” in her ear during that ordeal. I am pretty sure she forgives me, but I’ll let you know for sure when she stops laughing long enough to let me know first.
Laura Zoeller can be reached at