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<em>Editor’s note: This is the final column from Bruce Kauffmann, who died July 18.</em>Even before he took power in Germany in 1934, Adolf Hitler planned to rid Germany of its Jewish population, although his original goal was the deportation of all Jews. As part ...

This week (Aug. 24) in 1814, several thousand British soldiers entered Washington, D.C., set fire to the Capitol, the Navy Yard, the Treasury Building and, finally, the building that we now call the White House. It was the ultimate indignity in a war – the War of 1812 – abundant with ...

This week (Aug. 17) in 1956, former Illinois governor Adlai Stevenson, who had lost the 1952 presidential election to Republican Dwight Eisenhower in a landslide (442 Electoral College votes to 89), was once again the Democratic Party’s choice to challenge Eisenhower in the upcoming ...

Since the first World Series in 1903 there have been only two seasons in which a World Series champion was not crowned. In 1904 the National League’s champion New York Giants (now San Francisco Giants) refused to play the American League’s champion Boston Americans (now Red Sox) because the ...

This week (Aug. 5) in 1943, the Women’s Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) was created when 1,074 female pilots were accepted out of more than 25,000 applicants to fly non-combat military missions during World War II, thereby freeing up their male counterparts for combat missions.Although not ...

Albert John Lutuli became the first African – indeed the first person not an American or European – to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Interestingly, he received the 1960 peace prize but was not honored until 1961 because the Nobel Committee decided in 1960 that no one had actually met the ...