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Revolver class is now in session

Recently I had the privilege to host a most unusual self-defense class. As a law enforcement firearms instructor as well as a civilian teacher of the firearms arts, my classes usually have a similar look for the most part. They have motivated individuals seeking knowledge of the combative ...

An outdoorsman’s Thanksgiving in July

By Dave Bates For the Observer-Reporter After the fourth consecutive person began their conversation with some variation of, “Boy, it sure is hot out there,” I gave up and withdrew to my study. I have always wanted to say that. Sounds almost cultured. Except for the fact that my study ...

The joy of having no expectations

By Dave Bates For the Observer-Reporter Have you ever noticed that the more you expect something to be a certain way the more disappointing the outcome? If a hunt is overplanned then certain expectations just naturally accompany that hunt. Frustration sets in when that magic buck fails to ...

A born again bass fisherman

By Dave Bates For the Observer-Reporter John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, “Verily, verily I say unto thee, “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” KJV I know some of you are chuckling in thinking that Bates has resorted to quoting scripture in his ...

Summer is almost here. My grass is almost mowed to an acceptable level. I’m almost ready to retire. … Almost. So much to do with summer on the way and the close of another school year. I sat down at my desk the other evening and began assembling my own honey-do list in preparation of the ...

By Dave Bates For the Observer-Reporter If you are interested in improving your rifleman skills, check out an Appleseed Project event this summer. Appleseed teaches marksmanship in tandem with American Revolutionary War history. There are a number of events on their summer calendar locally, ...