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Understanding ovulation

Q. My sorority sister gave me your contact information. I never had sex ed and biology is a blur from high school. I actually think they skipped reproduction! Here’s my concern. My boyfriend from college came to visit and we had unprotected sex. I know that’s not a wise choice, but it ...

Fear of change triggers anxiety

Q. I’m so afraid to leave home for school. I told my parents this so much that last night, my mom said I should write to you. Evidently you taught them childbirth classes when my older brother was born. He’s almost 40. I hope that doesn’t make you feel old. I’m all ready for college, ...

Teachers weigh in on career quandary

The responses I received to last week’s column from teachers were inspiring. Here are a few. Thank you for your response to the 18-year-old who had second thoughts about teaching. You were respectful and honest. I want to add to your words, if I may. I came to teaching later in life. My ...

Q. I’m ready for college in the fall. My financial aid is set, and I received substantial academic scholarships. My mom is proud of me. I’m proud of what I accomplished in high school. Then why am I writing to you? Since I was a little kid, I wanted to be a teacher. In my earliest memories, ...

Graduation bittersweet for many

Q. I graduate soon. Is it normal to feel this sad? During the pandemic, all I could think of was finishing high school. I thought of school as drudgery, as something to endure. Since then, I found sports and theater, which is a bit of a contrast. I love both. I’m not going to play pro sports ...

Column on miscarriage inspires response

Last week's column on miscarriage inspired responses. Here are two of the most poignant. A popular meme asks people to be kind because one never knows what another person is carrying. Losing a pregnancy is one example of an invisible grief/loss. A perinatal loss includes an early pregnancy ...