West End Neighborhood Watch Chapter I will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the church hall of West Washington United Methodist.
First United Methodist Church, 29 N. College St., Washington, will host a blood drive with the Central Blood Bank from 1 to 6 p.m. Thursday. All participants will receive a T-shirt. To make an appointment, visit, click “make an appointment” and search for group code G0110042 or call Tom Aloia at 724-705-7908.
Amateur Astronomers Association of Pittsburgh will present a public Star Party Friday and Saturday in the Mingo Creek County Park Observatory, near Shelter 10. The program will begin at dusk as long as the sky is partly clear. If it is raining or cloudy, the program will be cancelled. There is no fee but reservations are required. For more information, visit
AFSCME Retiree Local 8402 will meet at 1 p.m. June 14 in Frank Sarris Public Library, Canonsburg. Reservations for the Aug. 9 Union picnic may be made by calling Marianne Saunders at 724-322-1970.
Washington County Department of Parks and Recreation will offer a night of campfire music at 6:30 p.m. June 16 at Shelter 4 in Mingo Creek County Park. Musicians who play an instrument are welcome to come and share their talent and listeners are also welcome. Those attending should bring a chair or blanket. Light refreshments will be served. There is no fee but registration is required. To register, call 724-228-6867.
Fairmount United Methodist Church of East Finley Township will hold a strawberry festival at 5 p.m. June 17. Homemade chicken and ham sandwiches, salads, baked beans, homemade pies and strawberries and ice cream will be offered. A love offering will be accepted.
White Oak American Legion Post 701, 2813 Capital St., White Oak, will sponsor an oldies dance from 7 to 11 p.m. June 18. Music from the 1950s and early 1960s will be provided by Candy and Mike and a 50/50 will be offered. Admission is $5 per person. All proceeds benefit veterans programs. For more information, call 724-984-6611.
Western Center reunion will be held from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m June 18 at the Washington Park Stone Pavilion. Bring a covered dish and drinks. Donations for the food bank will be collected.
Bridgeville Day on the Avenue will be held June 18. Booths will be open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Mon Valley Coin Club will meet at 2 p.m. June 19 at 303 Chamber Plaza in Charleroi. Applications are being accepted for membership. A 50/50 drawing will be offered, and there will be prizes for kids. For more information, call 724-984-6611.