Avella students face Challenge
Students from Avella High School were recently introduced to The Challenge Program Inc., during an orientation assembly at their school. The assembly theme was Classroom Feud: Workplace Edition. This game show spin-off reveals to students the right answers to the important questions for career-readiness and success both in and beyond the classroom and how to earn cash incentives. During the assembly, students in the sophomore, junior and senior classes were introduced to local career opportunities. Throughout the year, they will be eligible to compete for financial awards in five areas linked with academic and workplace success: attendance, academic improvement, academic excellence, STEM and community service. The business partners for Avella High School during the 2017-18 school year are Range Resources and Alex E. Paris Contracting. At the end of the assembly, five juniors and five seniors received awards for the work they accomplished last year during the 2016-17 school year in the five above-mentioned categories. Standing, from left, are Emanuel Paris, Alex Paris Contracting; Alex Nikolopoulos, Avella High School; Sarah Dzurko, academic excellence; James Taylor, STEM; Sarah Fox, community service; Zachary Cannon, attendance; Christina Kramer, Range Resources; Kylie Sanders, Range Resources. Sitting, from left, Julia West, community service; Juliane Latynski, academic excellence; Emily Pollack, academic improvement; Mazie Willard, STEM; Caitlyn Snyder, attendance. Not pictured: Julia Brockman, academic improvement.