Rogersville United Methodist Church will hold a free community dinner from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Friday in its fellowship hall. Dinner will include meat loaf, parsley potatoes, vegetables, applesauce, dessert and a beverage. Donations will be accepted. Takeout orders will be available. For more information, call 724-499-5159 or 724-499-5385.
West Alexander Methodist Church, Main St., will hold a chicken-and-biscuit dinner from 4 p.m. until they sell out Saturday. A love offering will be accepted.
Carmichaels students ages 11 to 12 who are interested in playing in the Vesta league, in addition to King Coal, are asked to attend a meeting at 3 p.m. Sunday at Carmichaels Golf Club.
Washington County Department of Parks and Recreation will hold Groundhogs are Great for children 3 to 5 years old at 1 p.m. Wednesday in the park office of Mingo Creek County Park. Participants will learn about Punxsutawney Phil and learn the history of Groundhog Day. A short hike to locate a groundhog den will also be included. Registration is required; call 724-228-6867.
Washington Camera Club will meet at 7 p.m. Feb. 7 at the Flyers Club, Washington County Airport. The featured program will be “Travels Abroad” by John Zinn.