‘An Evening of Creativity’ at Cal U.
California University of Pennsylvania’s Department of Music and Theatre will present “An Evening of Creativity” at 7 p.m. Thursday and Friday and 2 and 7 p.m. Saturday in the Gerald and Carolyn Blaney Theatre in Steele Hall.
Tickets are $12 for adults, senior citizens and children. Cal U. students with valid CalCards pay 50 cents, plus a $5 deposit that is refunded at the show. For ticket information, or to charge tickets by phone, call the Steele Hall box office at 724-938-5943.
“An Evening of Creativity” will include:
Bobby’s Ballet Lesson – written by sophomore theater major Alyssa Freeman and directed by theater alumna Sarah Martik. The cast includes Avery Grant as Leah; Alexis Hawk as Mrs. Davis; Sabria Johnson as Mother; and DJ Miller as Bobby.
“Bobby’s Ballet Lesson” introduces Leah and her friend from ballet class that she realizes is a little different from everyone else. This heartfelt story presents autism in a beautiful light and shows how a little kindness can go a long way.
Potential – directed by senor theater major Ryan Johnson. The cast includes Jazmyn Neal, “Monologue 1”; Michael Mastandrea, “Monologue 2”; and Reece Williams, “Monologue 3.”
“Potential” is an overview of emotions in relationships, existence and inspiration. Everyone has faced these emotions at one time or another and can relate to the topics at hand.
Avaricious – choreographed by Diane Buffington, a member of the theater and psychology faculty, and the Cal U. Dance Ensemble.
Cast includes Marisa Badura, Laura Cook, Taylor Frost, Meagan Goben, Jenna Kelly, Mackenzie Moore and Rachel Wells.
Accompanied by Kacie Kubitza and Abbi Hanley, “Avaricious” is a fun contemporary jazz piece that exemplifies how greed is an innate instinct for survival. We all want to be successful, but at what point do we cross the line and become greedy?
Gravity 3.0 – Cast includes faculty member JP Staszel and students Erin Staszel, Tristan Bartolomucci and Kubitza. This piece explores the strength of man and the power of woman. It challenges views of gender coupling and how power dynamics can shift with fluidity.
The Audition – directed by junior theater major Jeshua Myers and senior theater major Tristan Bartolomucci. Cast includes Jaxon Stone, Bartolomucci, Rummy Stevens, Myers and Hannah Burns.
Do you love sketch comedy? Do you watch “SNL” every Saturday night? The “Audition” is a piece based off of the 1990 “Saturday Night Live” sketch where Chris Farley and Patrick Swayze audition for Chippendales. Stone and Stevens are two contrasting male strippers at the Strip & Yells. Hoot and Holler for them, and they will give you a show – maybe a little more than what you bargained for.