Bowlby Library plans first Turkey Trot

The first Bowlby Library Turkey Trot will be held Nov. 18, beginning at the library gazebo.
The Turkey Trot is a 5K run/walk and 1K children’s fun run. The children’s fun run, “The Wobble Gobble,” will begin at 9 a.m., with the 5K event beginning at 9:30. Awards will be given to the top three male and female walkers/runners in each age category. Each participant will receive a race T-shirt, and children also will receive a copy of the book, “The Great Turkey Race” by Steve Metzger. Metzger also will be visiting the library that day.
Advance registration fees are $15 for children $25 for 5K walkers and runners. The day of the race, fees are $20 for children and $30 for walkers and runners. Phantom runner donations also will be accepted.
To register in advance, visit