Master Gardener applications being accepting in Waynesburg

Penn State Cooperative Extension in Greene County is accepting applications until Wednesday for its 2017 Master Gardener program.
The program consists of a volunteer training course designed to provide home gardeners with information and skills necessary to share their knowledge with others. Weekly classes are held Thursday evenings, beginning Oct. 5 and ending the first week in March. Classes are held at the Penn State Cooperative Extension Office in Waynesburg.
After completing the classwork, candidates will become interns. During this time, they will perform 50 hours of volunteer work under the supervision of another certified Master Gardener. Upon completion, the intern will become a certified Master Gardener. To maintain certification, Master Gardeners must complete 20 hours of volunteer service and 10 hours of continuing education annually.
Volunteers participate in many community activities, including education, pollinator monitoring, youth education and fair display.
Program fee is $200, which includes the Master Gardener manual that was updated and revised last year, training materials and other expenses.
For more information, call the extension office at 724-627-3745 or visit the office at 26 W. High St. in Waynesburg.