Bethel Art Guild planning fall show

October will be a busy month for members of the Bethel Art Guild.
Along with their regular business meeting 12:30 p.m. Oct. 5 at the Bethel Park Community Center, 5151 Park Ave., they will be preparing to participate in the first art show of the season.
Chuck Percherke of Somerset, a graduate of the Ivy School of Professional Art, where he was an industrial display designer, will be guest speaker at the meeting. He has designed record albums and has worked with several local recording studios that produce music CDs.
“The Galleria Fall Art Show” will be held Oct. 6-15. Those who have art hanging in the show will also get a chance to do an artist sitting for a few hours, giving the public a chance to meet artists. It also gives the artist a chance to network with other local artists and art collectors.