Breast cancer program offered at MVH

Monongahela Valley Hospital and the Charles L. and Rose Sweeney Melenyzer Pavilion Regional Cancer Center will present a free Breast Cancer Education and Screening Luncheon at 12:30 p.m. Oct. 18 in the hospital’s Anthony M. Lombardi Education Conference Center.
The free event will feature a light lunch, guest speakers, information regarding early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer, optional breast examinations and vendor displays.
Dr. Natalie Furgiuele, a breast surgeon, will present a program on the benefits of early diagnosis along with the therapies offered to treat breast cancer.
Following the optional physical breast exams by members of the hospital’s medical staff, a mammogram will be scheduled for any woman who has an abnormal finding during the screening. Routine yearly mammograms also can be scheduled for women who have a family history of breast cancer, who fall into a high-risk category and who have never had a baseline mammogram or who meet the recommended age guidelines.
Registration is required by calling MVH’s registration hotline at 724-258-1333.