Canon-McMillan Santa Shop moves to 5 Below

South Central Elementary School third-grade teacher Michelle Patragas kept the popular Santa Shop tradition – where students are able to purchase gifts for their families at the school – alive this year. The event was canceled because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but Patragas met students who signed up for a time slot at Five Below in McMurray and helped them complete the shopping lists they had filled out. The Santa Shop also doubled as a PTA fundraiser, with the elementary school earning 10% of what students spent. A few other South Central teachers also participated, and Patragas’ daughter, Madeliene, son, Nico, and some of their friends also helped the elementary students shop. Said Patragas, “I truly hope that in the midst of so many uncertainties and with things being so different this year, that these kiddos look back on this night as one of their memorable moments.”