AHN Positive Health Clinic launches mobile unit for HIV patients

Allegheny Health Network’s Positive Health Clinic has launched a regional mobile care program to reach more HIV patients in Southwestern Pennsylvania.
The AHN mobile unit is staffed by a registered nurse or other medical provider and a medical assistant, and travels throughout Allegheny County and surrounding counties – especially rural areas – to provide care for people with HIV.
The caregivers conduct physical exams, collect blood samples for laboratory testing, and administer necessary medications and vaccines.
During the visit, patients can connect virtually with a primary care provider at the Positive Health Clinic, located at AHN’s Federal North Medical Building near Allegheny General Hospital.
The caregivers can also refer patients to other health care specialists and community-based supportive services to help them with other social barriers to good health they face.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, Pennsylvania has the ninth highest rate of new HIV infections in the nation.
The CDC also has declared Pennsylvania one of the states at risk for, or experiencing, increases in HIV and hepatitis C as a result of the opioid crisis.
PHC is funded by the Health Resources and Service Administration’s Ryan White CARES Act Program, which has provided care to HIV-positive people for more than 20 years.
The mobile care unit is operating two days a week.
PHC also provides medications for opioid use disorder and other interventions for people using substances who are living with HIV infection.
“While HIV is acutely prevalent in our region, there are more treatment methods available today than ever before,” said Stuart Fisk, Director of Strategy at the AHN Center for Inclusion Health. “With the launch of the mobile care program, our goal is to reach patients where they are to better engage and retain them in care, and ultimately to give them the very best chance to live long and fruitful lives through effective management of their health.”
The mobile program is expected to expand its geographic reach over time.
AHN HIV primary care clinics are also offered once per week at AHN’s Forbes Family Medicine and once per month in Aliquippa.
To learn more, visit www.ahn.org/services/medicine/center-for-inclusion-health/hiv-primary-care.html.