WHS not among providers impacted by Moderna mix-up

Washington Health System is not among the Pennsylvania providers who inadvertently administered second doses of the Moderna vaccine as first doses.
WHS uses the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, which was not a part of the mix-up.
None of the health system’s doses or appointments have been impacted, said WHS spokesperson Stephanie Wagoner.
Those with scheduled first and second vaccination appointments will receive the vaccine as expected, Wagoner said.
WHS is currently the largest provider of COVID-19 vaccines in Washington and Greene counties.
Wagoner said the health system has a process in place that ensures patients who receive a first dose will receive the second dose within the U.S. Centers for Disease Control’s approved time frame.
When the health system receives a shipment, it calculates the number of second doses that are scheduled to make sure those are set aside first, said Wagoner.
After those second doses are accounted for, first dose appointments are scheduled.
WHS does not schedule weeks or months in advance because it only schedules appointments when the hospital knows it has the vaccine for a patient.
Wagoner said WHS has received more than 30,000 requests through its online sign-up form, so it “may take some time to get through to everyone.”