health keeper
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Through Canonsburg Hospital’s Speaker Series, physicians and other health-care professionals can present free programs on a variety of health-related topics. For a copy of the Speaker Series brochure, call 724-873-5835.
Community health programs offered at the hospital can be found at
Physician referral access line is 412-DOCTORS (362-8677) and is available between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Medivan service, operated by Canonsburg Ambulance, is available to residents who need transportation to Canonsburg General Hospital for testing or surgery. The service cannot accommodate patients in wheelchairs. Rides must be scheduled at least one day in advance. To schedule, call 724-745-6911.
Ask the Doctor shows are available online by accessing
Monongahela (updated)
Health-care professionals from the hospital and Southwestern Pennsylvania Human Services Inc. are available to make free presentations to service clubs, church groups, senior citizens organizations and others who request programs. To schedule a speaker, contact Community Relations at 724-258-1078 or
Physician Referral Service Guide is available on the hospital’s website,
Ostomy Support Group will meet from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Thursday, April 18, for persons with ostomies and their families and friends. For information, call 724-258-1773.
“Learn to Prevent Type-2 Diabetes” will begin Monday, April 29. The 16-week prevention program is designed to educate and work with participants about lifestyle changes in the areas of nutrition, physical activity and behavioral change. For information, call the Clinical Nutrition and Diabetes department at 724-258-1483 or visit the Clinical Nutrition and Diabetes page at
American Heart Association Heartsaver CPR/AED will be offered from 4 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, April 30. A $50 fee covers the cost of class and required materials. To register, call 724-258-1333.
American Heart Association Family and Friends CPR/AED will be offered from 9 to 11 a.m. Tuesday, April 30. This course is for people who do not need a certifications card for a job. Content includes an orientation to CPR for adult, child, infants, choking and use of an Automated External Defibrillator. Cost of the course is $35, which covers the cost of the book and includes a class participation card. To register, call 724-258-1333.
Nurses will be honored at the annual Nurse Appreciation Day Breakfast coinciding with both National Nurses Week, May 6-12, and the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing. The hospital will host the breakfast May 9 in the Anthony M. Lombardi Education Conference Center. During the event, one of 13 nurses will be presented with the 2019 Cameos of Caring Award. During the event, one of 13 nurses will be presented with the 2019 Cameos of Caring Award.
St. Clair
Cancer-care specialists are available to evaluate needs, provide information, guidance and support, identify resources and navigate the health-care system. For more information, call St. Clair Hospital’s cancer-care specialist at 412-942-5082.
Diabetes Education Center offers group classes and one-on-one appointments, addressing a comprehensive range of topics. Diabetes management plans are developed with patients and their physicians, taking into account each individual’s lifestyle and needs. Insulin pump training is provided. For more information, call 412-942-2151.
A smoking cessation program offers classes and individual counseling. For more information, call 412-942-2008.
Breast-feeding Support Group meets from 6:30 to 8 p.m. the last Monday of each month, except May and December, in the Community Room at Washington Hospital. To register, call 724-250-4476.
Stroke Support Group meets from 4:30 to 6 p.m. the third Tuesday of each month in the occupational therapy apartment, fourth floor, at Washington Hospital. To register, call 724-229-2449.
Free health and wellness information is available in the Ruth York Morgan Health Education Learning Place at Washington Hospital. Hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. For more information, call 724-223-3144.
Teen Outreach programs at Washington Hospital include:
• Echo – a home-based early intervention program for children in fourth through eighth grades.
• Parents and Daughters – for girls 9 to 12 years old.
• Parents and Sons – for boys 10 to 14 years old.
• Pregnant and Parenting Teens – supportive and educational services for teens.
• Teen Father Program – for fathers up to 22 years old.
Some programs include a fee. For more information, call 724-222-2311.
Prenatal classes are baby care, breast-feeding and prepared childbirth. There is a fee, but many insurance plans will offer some reimbursement. Call 724-223-3173 early in pregnancy.
Cardiac rehabilitation programs are available. For more information, call 724-250-6288.