Carmichaels man trained for job
Kevin Morris is usually the first person people see when they come in the door at the PA CareerLink in Waynesburg.
“I really enjoy the contact with people and mostly they are grateful when you assist them with the (computer) system and help them find jobs,” Morris said.
The 59-year-old Carmichaels man is a part of a growing trend of older adults in the workplace. By 2020, one quarter of all workers will be 55 years of age or older. Morris was placed with the help of the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), offered by the SWPA Area Agency on Aging, with federal funding provided through the Pennsylvania Department of Aging.
Other training opportunities available for SCSEP participants include GED and basic computer classes. These additional opportunities can help participants increase their self-confidence as well as their employable job skills.
Morris, a Lone Pine native, came into SCSEP in March 2015, with the Waynesburg CareerLink serving as the host agency.
In addition to the skills he learned as a greeter, Morris also does considerable data entry tasks. For the last two years, Morris attended the SCSEP computer training classes at Washington CareerLink.
Morris has overcome a lot in his life. Diagnosed with degenerative joint and disc disease and osteoarthritis, he was walking with a cane when he started his current job and now uses a wheelchair for mobility. His wheelchair lift extends from the back of his van and he uses a walker to get in the building.
The flexibility of the SCSEP program is makes it a perfect match for Kevin.
“I actually look forward to coming to work,” Morris said. “I love talking to people. When people are having a hard time, it’s good for them to talk to someone.
“This program has made a world of difference in my life. And I have ‘family’ here. It’s a good workplace.”
Terri Cooley-Taylor, PA CareerLink administrator at the Waynesburg site, said Morris has been a good fit.
“He’s been a great help for our organization, said Cooley-Taylor. “He’s truly inspiring for our staff. He has obstacles but he never lets that stop him.
“He’s a wonderful part of our team. The program truly has helped click by bringing Kevin on and helped because he greets people, provides customer support. He’s really been fantastic.”
Commissioners in Washington, Greene and Fayette counties will once again recognize the importance of older workers by issuing county proclamations in honor of the U.S. Department of Labor’s National Employ Older Workers Week, traditionally observed during the last full week in September.