Vacation Bible School
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First Church of God, 157 N. Second St., West Newton, will hold Vacation Bible School from 6 to 8:30 p.m. June 9 to 13. Call 724-872-7467 for information or to register. All ages welcome.
South Canonsburg Church, 12 S. Central Ave., will hold Vacation Bible School from June 10 to June 14. The theme this year is “ROAR: Life is Wild – God is Good.” For more information, call the church at 724-745-7438.
Abundant Life Baptist Church, 269 Cameron Road, Washington, will hold Vacation Bible School for ages 4 through seventh grade from 9 a.m. to noon daily June 17 to 21. There is no charge. Pre-registration can be done by calling the church office at 724-225-5355 or through the website Special outing permission slips are needed for the middle school class. Walk-ins are also welcome.
Bethel Presbyterian Church, 3905 Park Ave., Prosperity, will hold Vacation Bible School from 9 a.m. to noon June 17 to 21. For more information, call 724-225-3612.
Riverview Baptist Church, 405 Main St., New Eagle, will hold Vacation Bible School from 6 to 8:45 p.m. June 17 to 21 for ages 5 through grade 12. Pre-register by calling 724-489-4380.
Bentleyville United Methodist Church, 712 Main St., will hold Vacation Bible School from 6 to 8:15 p.m. June 24 to 28 for children 4 and older. The theme is “ROAR.” All children from the community are invited to attend. The closing program will be held at 6:15 p.m. Friday, June 28, and a short program will be held during the 10:30 a.m. worship service on Sunday, June 30. For more information, call 724-239-3285.
Avery United Methodist Church, 1100 Gabby Ave., Washington will hold a weekend of Vacation Bible School from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Friday, July 12, and Saturday, July 13. There is an optional “chow time” at 5 p.m. both days for VBS participants. VBS Celebration will take place at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, July 14. Register online at or email
Hickory United EPC, 210 Main St., Hickory, will hold vacation Bible school from 9 a.m. to noon July 22 through 26. Classes will be for preschool ages 3 to 5 (must be potty trained), and kindergarten through fifth grade. Register at
Thomas Presbyterian Church, 1068 Linden Road, Eighty Four, will hold Vacation Bible School from 6 to 8:30 p.m. the week of July 29 to Aug. 2. This year’s program is titled “Who is my neighbor?” and is for children 4 to 11. For registration or further information, visit the church’s homepage at, or call the office at 724-941-8910. Office hours are 8 a.m. to noon Monday through Friday.
River Hill Church of Christ, 2105 River Hill Road, Monongahela (Forward Township), will hold Vacation Bible School from 6:30 to 9 p.m. June 10 through June 14. The theme for this year is “ROAR! – Life is Wild – God is Good.” All children from kindergarten through eighth grade are welcome. The VBS is free to children of all church denominations. For more information or to pre-register, call 724-258-4660.
Laboratory Presbyterian Church, First Presbyterian Church and First Lutheran Church will hold “Power Up” Vacation Bible School from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 pm. July 21 to 25 at Laboratory Presbyterian, 23 Manse St., Washington. Classes will be held for children age 3 through those entering sixth grade. Register at or call 724-222-5630 for more information.
Pigeon Creek Presbyterian Church, 45 Church Road, Eighty Four, will hold Vacation Bible School from July 15 to 19, with the closing program at 10:45 a.m. July 21. The theme this year is “ROAR.” For more information, visit, or sign up at
North Buffalo Presbyterian Church will hold Vacation Bible School, with the theme “Giddyup Junction,” from 6 to 8 p.m. July 17 through 21. Children ages 3 through 12 can participate.