College News
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Abby Lea Severyn was the student marshal for the architectural engineering baccalaureate degree program at the Penn State College of Engineering spring commencement ceremony on May 3. Severyn graduated with two degrees, a bachelor of architectural engineering and a master of architectural engineering (structural option). College of Engineering student marshals are selected for their outstanding academic achievement and contributions to engineering student life. Severyn is the daughter of Michaelene Severyn of Canonsburg. She is a 2014 graduate of Canon-McMillan High School. A Schreyer Scholar, Severyn completed an undergraduate honors thesis titled “Decision-Making Methods in the Structural Design of Healthcare Facilities.” Her academic honors include the Best Overall AE Thesis Award, President’s Freshman Award, the President Sparks Award, the Evan Pugh Scholar Award (senior), the EwingCole Cherry Award, and the Holbert Apple Associates Award. She was the recipient of the Leonhard Honors Program Scholarship, the Louis and Judy Geschwindner Endowed Scholarship, the International Concrete Repair Institute Scholarship, the Robert J. McNamara Scholarship, the B&P Chapman Trustee Scholarship, the Schumacher Honors Scholarship, and the Singh Scholarship in the Schreyer Honors College. Severyn’s internship experience included HGA Architects and Engineers, where she assisted with the structural analysis and design of buildings; Atlantic Engineering Services, where she focused on the analysis and design review for new and existing structures; and PennDOT Engineering District 11, where she served as a bridge inspection assistant and road surveyor. Her extracurricular activities included the Student Society of Architectural Engineers, serving as a mentor for the Schreyer Honors College Career Development Program, and participating in intramural soccer. Following graduation, Severyn will join Martin/Martin Consulting Engineers as a structural engineer-in-training.
Emma Ott, daughter of Michael and Maureen Ott of Eighty Four, graduated May 24 from Elon University in Elon, N.C., with a BS degree is statistics and a BSBA degree in finance. She was an Isabella Cannon Leadership fellow and a member of five honor societies: Phi Eta Sigma (freshman); Beta Gamma Sigma (business); Omicron Delta Kappa (leadership); Mu Sigma Rho (statistics); and Phi Kappa Phi (national). She worked on campus as a tour guide, student ambassador in the Professional Development Center, teacher assistant, and as a tutor in five subjects. The 2015 graduate of Ringgold High School graduated from Elon summa cum laude with a cumulative GPA of 3.96. She was named to the President’s List every semester and was named top finance student and outstanding Leadership Fellow of her graduating class. She will be employed as a credit risk analyst at Goldman Sachs’ headquarters in New York City.