More than 80 high school females attend Junior ATHENA Workshop
More than 80 Washington County high school females participated in the second annual Junior ATHENA Workshop May 3 hosted by Range Resources in conjunction with POWER (Washington County Chamber of Commerce Women’s Initiative).
The daylong workshop, which featured a mix of panels, speakers and hands-on exercises, was held to provide young female students guidance on professional development from women in the local workforce.
Dr. Stephanie Adam, faculty member in the Department of Business and Economics at California University of Pennsylvania, kicked off the event with a discussion on generational communication.
The keynote panel discussion featured members of POWER, a women’s networking organization, along with other female leaders in the local business community, including Brenda Cline, an independent director on Range’s board, who previously worked for Ernst & Young as well as Thomson Reuters. Other speakers were Carole DeAngelo, advertising director for the Observer-Reporter and 2018 ATHENA Award winner, and Washington County Commissioner Diana Irey Vaughan.