Greene County students compete in SkillsUSA event
Greene County Career and Technology Center students Alyssa Thomas and Zachary Royer won first place in the statewide SkillsUSA competition held last month in Hershey. As first-place winners, both received tool sets and scholarships and will compete in their competitions against winners from each state in Louisville, Ky., in June. Skills USA is a national student organization that develops employability, participatory and leadership skills to complement the occupational skills developed by students in technical education classrooms or work-based learning sites. SkillsUSA is an integral part of approved technical education occupation programs. Thomas, a student at West Greene High School, and Royer, a student at Jefferson-Morgan High School, along with eight other students from Greene County, went to Hershey to compete after winning at the District 9 competitions in December, held in Greene County. Their trip to Hershey was sponsored by Chevron and EQT.