Sons of American Revolution awards

At the 126th annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Society of the Sons of the American Revolution held in Erie, the George Washington Chapter received two of the major awards that the state society presents. The chapter received the Trimble Trophy, which is awarded to the chapter with the greatest percentage increase of new members for the calendar year 2018. Of 25 chapters in the state, the George Washington Chapter had 35 new members, or a 42.2% increase in membership. The second state award was taking first place in the chapter activities contest. This award is broken into three membership categories: 50 or less, 51 to 100 and 101 or larger. The George Washington Chapter, based in Washington County, is the third oldest chapter in the state. Membership is open to any male who can trace his ancestors back to service in the Revolutionary War. From left are Robert Grumbling, chapter president Kurt Winter, Ronald Miller and Michael Merryman.