Wolf administration honors Trinity students at safety awards ceremony
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) Deputy Secretary for Driver and Vehicle Services Kurt Myers joined Pennsylvania school bus safety advocates to honor twelve students for communicating important school bus safety messages, and six school bus drivers for their superior driving skills.
The students, in kindergarten through eighth grade, were recognized for their winning entries in the 2019 School Bus Safety Poster Contest. The theme for this year’s contest – “Red Lights Mean STOP!” – reminds all drivers to stop for a bus with its lights flashing and stop arm extended.
This year’s winners were chosen from over 1,000 student entries from schools across Pennsylvania. The first-place entries will be move on to the national competition, which will be judged at the end of this month.
Trinity High School students were the School Bus Safety Poster Contest winners in the Special Education category. The students are Jacob Beecham, first place; Andrew Knight, second place; and Christopher Yeager, third place.
“By using their talent and creativity, these young artists help us share important safety messages through their creations,” said PennDOT Secretary Leslie S. Richards. “This year’s creations reinforce the importance of obeying Pennsylvania’s School Bus Stopping Law and stopping when a bus has its red lights flashing and stop are extended – a smart choice that can save lives.”