State farm show to offer virtual agricultural, STEM events

The Pennsylvania Departments of Agriculture and Education will have opportunities for agriculture and STEM learning for all ages to be featured in the 2021 Farm Show. Several opportunities will help K-12 students and teachers meet Pennsylvania academic requirements for environment and ecology, or family and consumer sciences.
The schedule of daily events includes a live Career Exploration panel discussion, geared toward high school students, featuring a variety of experts in fields including a large-animal veterinarian, a farm manager, a chef, a hydroponic specialist, horticulturist and a service technician for computerized farm equipment.
Virtual hands-on activities will include Plants to the Rescue and Plant Hunt, digital lessons for grades 6 through 8 provided by Seed Your Future career initiative, in partnership with Scholastic, Inc., including lessons titled Water Filtration, Grow Plants from Food Scraps, Tie Dye with Plants, DIY Home Hydroponics and Phototropism: Light Maze.
Throughout the show, elementary and early secondary students can become Ag Explorers by visiting virtual stations at
Daily STEM demonstrations of at-home activities for K-12 students will include lessons on how to make butter, plant-based plastics made from hemp and other sustainable materials, and more.
For older students and adult learners, each day will include live webinars on business, technological, scientific and environmental challenges facing the industry, lead by influential policy makers and experts in each topic. Topics will include solar energy, food security, pest control, emerging markets, sustainability, biosecurity and more.
The 105th Pennsylvania Farm Show will take place January 9-16. In light of the current public health crisis and to protect public health and safety, Pennsylvania’s agriculture industry will be celebrated virtually.
More than 200 virtual education exhibits will be available at beginning Jan. 9.
For a complete schedule of events, visit . Follow the Pennsylvania Farm Show on Facebook and Instagram for real-time updates.