DAR announces Good Citizen Award recipients
The Washington County Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution announces its 2022-23 Good Citizen Award recipients.
Eleven area schools were contacted to participate; however, only five chose to submit a candidate. They are: Bryn Riley, Avella High School; Hannah Zelnis, Bethlehem-Center High School; Makala Trevena, Burgettstown High School; Braden Whitelatch, Wheeling Central Catholic; and Eden Day, Washington High School.
The high school seniors were selected by their teachers and peers because they demonstrate the qualities of dependability, service, leadership and patriotism in their homes, schools and communities. Three impartial judges from the community reviewed the submitted essay and qualities of each participant who then received a certificate, pin and wallet card.
Out of the yearly participants, one outstanding entry is chosen to receive a monetary award from the chapter, and whose essay will be forwarded on to the state competition and possibly national thereafter. This year’s winner is Braden Whitelatch. A presentation of this award was presented at a luncheon on April 8.