What the world needs now is love, sweet love.And Anita Dulaney has plenty to share.Each year, Dulaney, 63, of Taylorstown, makes sure that kids in unfortunate situations have presents on Christmas.“It makes me feel good that I can do this and have been able to continue to do it, My faith and ...
On March 24, when Gov. Tom Wolf announced Pennsylvania schools were closing because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Stephanie Knisely’s friend told her she couldn’t find diapers at any of the local grocery stores.“It was around the time when everyone was going shopping, and the stores were out ...
When Matt Leader and his fiancée, Ashley Farabaugh, got engaged in 2019, they knew immediately who they wanted to officiate their Oct. 2, 2021, wedding: Dr. Rueben Brock, a licensed counselor and professor at California University of Pennsylvania, whose psychology courses the couple took while ...