Senior League bowling results
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Results of the Greene County Senior Bowling League matches Dec.11 at the Meadowlands Lanes, Washington, have been announced.
• Just A Swinging won three games and lost one to East Rollers. Harold King bowled a 179 high game and a 484 high series for Just A Swinging. Carl Hoy bowled 144 high game and a 430 high series for Easy Rollers.
• Greene Acres won two games and lost two to the Firecrackers. Randy King bowled a 177 high game and a 439 high series for Greene Acres. John Clark bowled a 187 high game and a 486 high series for the Firecrackers.
• Happy Bunch won four games from the Rolling Fours. Donna Diest bowled a 171 high game and Blair Stewart bowled a 404 high series for the Happy Bunch. Betty Tyler bowled a 174 high game and a 412 high series for the Rolling Fours.
• Hardly Able won two games and lost two to the Awesome Bunch. Bob Strope bowled a 162 high game and George Wilmer bowled a 408 high series for Hardly Able. Don Lindley bowled a 186 high game and a 482 high series for the Awesome Bunch.