Salary board approves changes for DA’s office
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WAYNESBURG – Greene County District Attorney Marjorie Fox asked the county salary board Thursday to approve status changes for several of her assistants.
The board approved changing John Friedmann from full-time status to part-time status with no benefits at a salary of $34,761.79. Fox said Friedmann will split his time between her office and at the Washington County district attorney’s office.
The board also approved Fox’s request to change Brianna Vanata from full-time Family Medical Leave Act and permit her to continue part time with no benefits at $34,190.65.
Finally, the salary board approved creating a temporary six-month part-time position of assistant district attorney at $32,296.80. Hired to fill the position was Christina A. DeMarco-Breeden, effective March 1.
The salary board created a full-time adult probation officer position, transferring Brad Hartman from juvenile probation to the newly created slot. The board then approved the hiring of Jennifer Rizor at $32,687.28 as the new juvenile probation officer.
In other business, the salary board:
• Hired Randy Clark as a full-time EMA Region 13 Task Force assistant at $16.87 an hour.
• Hired Mimi Ritenour as a fiscal officer in the office of economic development at a salary of $35,000.
• Hired Siara Meza as a regular full-time fiscal program manager at $16.87 an hour.
• Accepted the resignation of Emily Stout as administrative assistant with the Greene County court.
• Accepted the resignation of Pamela Wozny as a recreation clerk with the department of parks and recreation.
During a brief meeting preceding the salary board, the county commissioners accepted a proposal from Allegheny Restoration to paint the courtroom of Judge William Nalitz once work is completed on the courthouse attic/roof restoration project. The cost to paint the courtroom is $7,608.