2 county seniors honored by DAR
Two Greene County high school seniors were honored last month with Good Citizen awards by the John Corbly Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
Those recognized at the chapter’s March luncheon in Waynesburg were: Emily Engle-Young of West Greene High School and Addie Pazzynski of Waynesburg Central High School.
Emily Engle-Young is a daughter of Christopher and Carol Young of Holbrook. She is member of the art club, vice-president of the Spanish club, Quiz Bowl team, Students Against Destructive Decisions, captain of the track and field team, senior planning committee, corresponding secretary of the National Honor Society and captain of the volleyball team. Young has earned the academic honors award, 2010 rookie of the year for volleyball, American Citizenship Award, All A’s Star Student Award, Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizen Award and Pittsburgh City Theater Young Playwrights Festival Award. She volunteers with the Cherry Door, Red Cross blood drive and as a tutor. Young plans to pursue a career as a nurse anesthetist.
Pazzynski is a daughter of Francis and Lisa Pazzynski of Waynesburg. She participates as president of National Honor Society, a member of the choral union, Youth Alive, jazz choir, Students Against Destructive Decisions, Spanish club, debate club, and track and field team. She was selected for the 2011 Pennsylvania Music Educators Association All-State Choir. Her volunteer activities include Kids Café, church camp and vacation Bible school. Pazzynski plans to pursue a career in teaching, counseling or missionary work.
The students were chosen for dependability, service, leadership and patriotism as exhibited in their community and school activities. Both received a DAR certificate, wallet card and a pin.
The winners and their parents were welcomed by Regent Shelvajean Baysinger and Good Citizen chairwoman Dena Shultz.