Defendants admitted into ARD program
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WAYNESBURG – Ten criminal defendants were entered into the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition program Tuesday by Greene County Judge Farley Toothman.
Those accepted into the program must serve at least one year probation and pay all fines and costs. Defendants charged with driving under the influence of alcohol also may have their driving privileges suspended and be required to refrain from the use or possession of alcohol.
Those who successfully complete the program can petition the court to have their criminal records expunged.
Admitted were:
Dianne M. Gulley, 68, of 131 School St., Clarksville, charged with DUI and a summary traffic violation; arrested Aug. 17, after her vehicle ran off Route 188 in Franklin Township, Gulley had a blood-alcohol level of 0.142 percent, police said.
Ashley Marie Bradley, 21, of 207 Parkview Knoll, Carmichaels, charged with theft; Bradley obtained the password for her mother’s bank account and transferred $735 from it to her account between Dec. 31, 2012, and Jan. 29, 2013. She was entered in the program for two years.
Brandi R. Hall, 27, of 927 Keisterville Road, Keisterville, charged with DUI and a summary traffic violation; arrested May 18, Hall had a BAC of 0.191 percent.
Tina Marie Holbert, 54, of 174 Bald Hill Church Road, Mt. Morris, charged with DUI and four summary traffic violations; arrested April 1, following a two-vehicle crash on Bald Hill Road, Holbert had a BAC of 0.228 percent.
Christopher Douglas Knisley, 20, of 197 Main St., New Freeport, charged with DUI as a minor and four summary traffic violations; arrested June 8, following a single-vehicle crash on Elm Drive in Franklin Township, Knisley had a BAC of 0.063 percent.
Kathryn C. Waddel, 22, of 340 Second Ave., Waynesburg, charged with DUI and two summary traffic violations; arrested Aug. 21, she had a BAC of 0.159 percent.
Joshua M. Stevenson, 33, of 15 Crescent St., Bobtown, charged with DUI and two summary traffic violations; arrested July 27, Stevenson had a BAC of 0.118 percent.
Michael Thomas Goff, 40, of R.R.1, Hundred, W.Va., charged with DUI and four summary traffic violations; Goff was arrested following a single-vehicle crash on Route 18 in New Freeport on Aug. 27, 2011, during which he was ejected from his vehicle and suffered moderate injuries. He had a BAC of 0.160 percent.
Jamie Lee Redmond, 25, of 365 Thorton Road, Brownsville, charged with DUI and a summary traffic violation; arrested Sept. 29, Redmond had a BAC of 0.151 percent.
David Allen Yoss, 51, of 401 Toms Run Road, Brave, charged with DUI and seven summary traffic violations; Yoss was arrested June 5 after driving the wrong direction on Interstate 79 and being involved in a crash. His BAC was 0.139 percent. Yoss was entered into the program for two years.