Waynesburg council to review ordinance
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WAYNESBURG – A committee of Waynesburg Borough Council will meet later this month to review the borough’s zoning ordinance to determine whether any revisions may be necessary.
Council announced Monday that the recently formed committee will meet at 6 p.m. Jan. 22 in the borough building to discuss the ordinance, which has not been revised since about 2011.
Borough manager Mike Simms said the review of the zoning ordinance and creation of the committee had resulted from a discussion between council and him and assistant manager Brian Cumberledge about code and zoning enforcement.
The zoning ordinance seems to include a number of “gray” areas and in some instances is confusing and contradictory, Simm said following the meeting.
Council voted Monday to appoint Cumberledge as the borough’s code official. Cumberledge told council he has been taking classes to enforce the International Property Maintenance Code.
Council also discussed briefly increasing the fines the borough levies for parking violations. It earlier had been suggested that the fine for a two-hour parking violation be increased from $5.
Councilman Darwin Fitch said he would like to see the fine increased. Some people who park all day in the two-hour spaces and are ticketed only laugh at the $5 fine, he said. “Let them pay $25 and see if they chuckle,” he said.
Councilman Mark Fischer asked council to table discussion on the matter until another meeting, saying he would like the borough to investigate other parking systems including those with automated ticket printers that might be more efficient.
Simms reported Mackin Engineering is completing the permit application for the Jackson Run project.
The project will involve the replacement of the bridge on High Street over Jackson Run and the culverts on both sides of the bridge.
The state Department of Transportation will replace the bridge, while the borough, with grants it received several years ago, will install the new culverts. PennDOT will open bids for the work in March.
Council voted to vacate an unnamed alley that runs along the north border of the parking lot at Fox Ford. The request was made by Mark Fox. It was noted Fox owns properties on both sides of the alley.
Fitch also questioned whether the borough could do something about the vehicles parked on the street at Wade’s Body Shop on Maiden St. Council earlier sent the owner a letter expressing its concerns about the vehicles.