
Audobon Christmas Bird Count

2 min read

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The annual Audobon Christmas Bird Count was conducted Dec. 28 in Clarksville and Dec. 21 at Ryerson.

Species Ryerson Clarksville

Canada goose 123 325

American black duck 0 14

Mallard 24 120

Hooded merganser 0 2

Ring-neck pheasant 3 1

Wild turkey 138 22

Great blue heron 1 2

Turkey vulture 1 0

Sharp-skinned hawk 0 2

Coopers hawk 3 2

Red-tailed hawk 22 19

American kestrel 2 9

Killdeer 0 7

Rock pigeon 0 218

Mourning dove 156 236

Belted kingfisher 5 2

Red-bellied woodpecker 31 19

Yellow-bellied sapsucker 0 2

Downy 30 11

Hairy woodpecker 8 4

Northern flicker 7 5

Pileated woodpecker 9 9

Blue jay 89 71

American crow 83 133

Common raven 3 2

Chickadee species 99 76

Tufted titmouse 60 36

Red-breasted nuthatch 0 1

White-breasted nuthatch 41 28

Brown creeper 2 3

Carolina wren 15 21

Golden-crowned kinglet 9 8

Eastern bluebird 45 36

American robin 38 5

Northern mockingbird 1 12

European starling 195 379

Yellow-rumped warbler 4 1

Eastern towhee 6 0

American tree sparrow 0 7

Field sparrow 2 0

Song sparrow 37 8

Swamp sparrow 2 0

White-throated sparrow 10 4

White-crowned sparrow 0 1

Dark-eyed junco 48 85

Northern cardinal 104 47

Red-winged blackbird 9 0

Brown-headed cowbird 2 0

Purple finch 0 3

House finch 20 31

American goldfinch 36 24

House sparrow 141 343

•Participants included Ron and Lyn Argent, Dom and Kim Barbetta, Ralph K. Bell, Jane Bonner, Jan Churney, Diane Clark, Terry Dayton, Al Deynzer, Dolores Doman, Walt Donnellan, Worthy Fox, Myra Gibson, Natalie Greenlee, Paula Greenlee, Mary Grey, Larry Helgerman, Marjorie Howard, Jo Hoy, Pat Hutcheson, Aidan Kern, Kathy Kern, John Markle, Marjorie Moffatt, Bill and Donna Riggle, Jean Scott, Ellen Weekly, Bill Wentzel, Diane Whipkey, Llew Williams and Jerry Wolfe.

•Barred owl and Eastern screech owl were heard during count week, which is three days before and three days after the actual count, but not seen on count day.

•Ryerson count was a rainy miserable day on the road. Birds just were not seen, making it the worst count in 15 years.


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