Peters Township School Board
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Peters Township School Board
Date: Jan. 20
The board, minus members Lynn Erenberg and William Merrell, voted unanimously to create the new position of theater producer at an annual stipend of $2,754. The position will be pro-rated for the 2013-14 school year. The new position will result in the elimination of the title of drama director and tech director, and will be funded by the eliminations. No one was appointed to the position.
In other action:
• The board announced a building and grounds committee meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 5, with McMurray Elementary School to be discussed. Topics are expected to include pyrite and the heating and air-conditioning systems. The meeting is open to the public.
• Board member Lisa Anderson questioned if committee meetings could be taped for later broadcast on the local television channel.
• The board held first reading on a policy change regarding graduation requirements. The proposed changes include the elimination of the speech class requirement, to which Anderson and board member Jamison Hardy are opposed. As it was the first reading, no action was taken. Anderson was assured of the three proposed changes – elimination of the speech requirement, elimination of the graduation project and elimination of the half credit through an online course – one could be separated and voted on individually.
• Hardy requested the district look into having multi-year contracts for coaches and other extra-duty personnel to eliminate the need to appoint every year.
• Hardy also said he was opposed to having students participate in mandatory fundraising activities in order to participate in sports or extracurricular activities.
• The board announced make-up snow days, as needed, will occur Feb. 17, April 21 and at the end of the school year.