Court cases
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Numerous people recently appeared before Washington County Judge John DiSalle on charges of driving under the influence of alcohol. They will have their licenses suspended for various times and have a drug and alcohol assessment and any recommended treatment. Some must attend repeat offenders school. Appearing were:
Kenneth D. Keenan, 61, of 1290 Wilna Ave., Washington; third DUI offense, driving with a suspended license DUI-related; charged Feb. 8; sentence – Intermediate Punishment Program for 23 months with the first 9 months on electronic home monitoring and 30 days on SCRAM, $2,500 in fines, drug and alcohol evaluation and treatment, driver’s license suspension.
Brendan A. Hepner, 25, of 290 E. Prospect St., Washington; first DUI offense; charged Dec. 19, 2012; sentence – 6 months of probation, $300 fine, no driver’s license suspension.
Robert T. Huber, 43, of 1562 Grange Road, Charleroi; second DUI offense; charged Feb. 9; sentence – Intermediate Punishment Program for 23 months with the first 6 months on electronic home monitoring and 30 days on SCRAM, $1,500 fine.
Brandon R. Taggart, 21, of 208 Washington Ave., Hickory; second DUI offense; charged Feb. 1; sentence – Intermediate Punishment Program for 6 months with the first 60 days on electronic home monitoring and 30 days on SCRAM, $750 fine.
David N. Lenhart, 32, of 529 Elmira St., Monongahela; second DUI offense; charged Nov. 24, 2012; sentence – Intermediate Punishment Program for 23 months with the first 6 months on electronic home monitoring and 30 days on SCRAM, $1,500 fine.
Thomas W. Matiyasic, 37, of 310 Allison Ave., Houston; second DUI offense; charged Jan. 18, 2012; sentence – Intermediate Punishment Program for 23 months with the first 6 months on electronic home monitoring and 30 days on SCRAM, $1,500 fine.
Leslie E. Farler, 35, of 2428 Giant Oaks Drive, Pittsburgh; second DUI offense; charged March 2; sentence – Intermediate Punishment Program for 23 months with the first 6 months on electronic home monitoring and 30 days on SCRAM, $1,500 fine.
Nicole M. Lohr, 25, of 1 Pear St., Ellsworth; three first DUI offenses; charged Dec. 3, 2012, Jan. 1, 2013 and Feb. 9; sentence – Intermediate Punishment Program for 6 months with the first 15 days on electronic home monitoring and 45 days on SCRAM, $1,000 fine.
Lisa A. Lerario, 23, of 103 Belin Drive, McMurray; second DUI offense; charged Feb. 21; sentence – Intermediate Punishment Program for 6 months with the first 60 days on electronic home monitoring and 30 days on SCRAM, $750 fine.
The following people were admitted to the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition program for first-time offenders. If they successfully complete the program, they can petition the court to have their records expunged.
They were: Margaret J. Palmer, 40, of 1872 Jefferson Road, Rices Landing; Katelyn Scherer, 23, of 705 Broad St., Apt. 2, Washington; Virginia L. Berardinelli, 54, of 42 Prospect St., Cokeburg; Nicolas J. Faieta, 24, of 40 Terrace Road, Millsboro; Jon C. Geiger, 40, of 602 Ash St., Floor 1, Carnegie; Kipp Smiley, 22, of 407 Broad Ave., Washington; Heather N. Ryan, 26, of 256 Georgetown Road, Apt. 1, Canonsburg; Amelia M. Nevin, 21, of 2706 Douglas Run Road, Elizabeth; Megan E. Smith, 25, of 126 1/2 Prospect Ave., Charleroi; Robert A. Stolarski, 53, of 407 Euclid Ave., Canonsburg; Craig E. Wietrzykowski, 50, of 1522 E. Maiden St., Washington; Danielle M. Zemko, 24, of 27 Sersen Ave., Van Voorhis; Tammy D. Krenn, 45, of 129 W. Allegheny Road, Imperial; Samantha L. Tyler, 22, of 1002 Sir Robert Drive, McDonald; Ralph E. Miller, 46, of 527 Lively Road, Eighty Four; Catalina A. Cencich, 29, of 1035 Linden Road, Eighty Four; Bryan E. Taylor, 34, of 32 Mark Ave., Washington; Mark A. Vinoski, 54, of 6143 Brownsville Road Extension, Finleyville; Rosario C. McMullen, 48, of 424 Harvey Road, Prosperity; John M. Gloady, 52, of 856 Addison Ave., Washington; Carl Barton, 47, of 93 Cam Way Lane, Charleroi; Mark J. Verderber, 46, of 641 N. Franklin St., Washington; Allen C. Augenstein, 47, of 117 Alyson Drive, McMurray; Joyce A. Mendenall, 51, of 105 Lantern Circle, Canonsburg; Michael A. Hoover Jr., 26, of 75 Greene St.,. Clarksville; and Gabriel H. Maentz, 35, of 318 Bridlewood Court, Canonsburg.