A ‘room’ with a crew and high-hanging objects
Who are these men, and why is all that clothing, or whatever, hanging above their heads?
Because this week’s Mystery Photo was found in a box of loose, unidentified pictures in the Observer-Reporter’s Waynesburg office, we think this scene was somewhere in Greene County and could have something to do with its largest industry, coal mining.
There is no identification on the back of the print, just a single cryptic word: “room.”
We’re hoping some of our readers might know where and when this image was made, and what all the wires and suspended material is about. We’re pretty sure this is not some kind of modern art installation, but rather something more practical.
If you think you can help us solve this puzzle, email Park Burroughs, retired executive editor, at pburroughs@observer-reporter.com, or call and leave a message for him along with your telephone number at 724-222-2200, extension 2400. With a little help from our friends, we may be able to solve this mystery and publish our findings next Monday.