Hawks begin annual migration from Poconos to South America
KEMPTON (AP) – September is the month of cool, crisp mornings that surrenders its midday grip to the sultriness of summer.
There is a conquering of climate change happening by the hour. From morning to afternoon during that cool-to-warm transition a column of heated air known as a “thermal” ascends up into the earth’s atmosphere. When that updraft becomes interrupted by puffy layers of cumulus clouds in mid-September tens of thousands of broad-winged hawks take heed and ride that perfect storm of rising air southward on their annual migration.
The broad-winged hawk is a bird of prey on the genus Buteo, which exhibit broad wings and tails and are capable of soaring flight.
The broad-wing hawk Buteo platypterus when full grown is about the size of a crow and has a wingspan is about 36-inches wide.
The beautiful raptor displays a plumage of rusty brown horizontal patterns across its snow-white chest, dark brown feathers covering the head and short tail when fanned exhibits bands of black and white. Supporting its short and stout frame are two legs colored a brilliant yellow-orange and powerful talons painted jet black.
The broad-wing’s keen eyes are an intense vivid reddish-yellow and it’s sharp hooked bill is painted black but the upper bill or cere, is a vibrant yellow-orange.
Broad-winged hawks breed in vast deciduous or mixed forests throughout the eastern United States and southern Canada.
They are relatively abundant throughout the Pocono Mountains and are the smallest among our three Buteo species; the red-shouldered and red-tailed hawk. Being quite small but conspicuous, the broad-winged hawk often perches of the tops of trees as well utility poles and phone lines.
They also make themselves known by soaring gracefully overhead in search of prey and, often alerts its presence by a high-pitched strident “pitz-zeeeeeeeeee” call. The prey of the broad-winged hawk is quite diverse and may include insects and amphibians as well as small rodents such as meadow voles, white-footed and deer mice, chipmunks, young rabbits and gray squirrels and, especially snakes.
It is not uncommon to see a broad-winged hawk in flight waving its unfortunate victim like a long tethered strap attached to its leg. The broad-winged hawk typically constructs a stick nest in tall deciduous trees and lays up to six eggs, which take 28 days or longer to hatch. The young fledglings grow remarkable fast and parents are kept busy tending and feeding.
Between early and mid-September practically all broad-winged hawks in Canada and eastern United States will partake in a spectacular migration thousands of miles to South America.
Literally, thousands upon thousands of broad-wing hawks will vacate the northeastern part of the continent in a matter of a few weeks.
Likewise, thousands of hawk watchers migrate to hawk watch sites to witness this spectacular spectacle of September.
World renowned hawk watch sites such as Hawk Mountain in eastern Pennsylvania will have over-filled parking lots comprised of eager spectators-now-turned-cliff-hangers anxious to witness the miracle of migration. What the hawk watchers hope to see are large “kettles’ of broad-wing hawks float above their heads.
The broad-winged hawk has figured out a way to migrate thousands of miles southward using the least amount of energy.
The hawks take advantage of air currents, which provide effortless modes of aerial transportation — thermal currents and deflective currents. Hot, calm sunny days after a cool September evening is when the sun heats the ambient air in a special way.
The morning sun heats the terrain and warm air rises into the atmosphere. Broad-wing hawks target these thermal currents as the warm rising air provides that extra boost to help lift or keep afloat broad-winged hawks.
When conditions are just right, thousands of broad-winged hawk join together and form a large “kettle” which resembles a slow-motion feathery tornado. The hawks float upward nearly several thousand feet then break free from the kettle and glide for miles until they enter the next solar-charged thermal. The second means of hawk migration is deflective currents in which prevailing wind deflects upward against a cliff or mountain ridge.
The deflective winds provide updraft that hawks utilize as energy-efficient means of migration. They do not form large, floating kettles but use their aerodynamic body shape and glide for long distances quite rapidly like a surfer riding a huge wave.
There are several phenomenal hawk watch sites throughout the region. Try to plan a visit as you won’t be disappointed.
Most hawk watch sites are stationed with official hawk counters who will graciously share their expertise with novice hawk watchers.
They also welcome the extra set of eyes or binoculars. If you cannot visit a hawk watch site, you still have a chance to witness the mass exodus.
Try to spend a mid-morning moment, lunch or break outside the home, office or automobile and venture into a parking lot, local park or shopping mall. Face toward the northeast and keep your eyes high in the sky.
Now is the time to keep your eyes in the sky in hopes of watching migrating broad-winged hawks put the “pedal to the kettle” as they spiral, soar and glide their way on their ancestral journey to South America.
To learn more about hawk migration or find a hawk watch site near you, visit: