Woman sentenced to 18 to 40 years in slaying of father

BEDFORD – A Pennsylvania woman has been sentenced to 18 to 40 years in the slaying of her father, who authorities said was shot to death as he slept two years ago.
Fifty-year-old Christy Ann Zelanko pleaded guilty earlier to third-degree murder in the death of 68-year-old James Zelanko.
Bedford County authorities said she shot her father five times as he slept in his Broadtop Township home in June 2015. Authorities said the shooting followed a phone conversation in which her mother alleged years of abuse by her husband.
But Judge Travis Livengood said any abuse was years earlier and the defendant said she and her father were fairly close. He said calling the case “baffling” would be an understatement. Zelanko she didn’t remember the shooting and called it “a horrid nightmare.”