Washington County seeks election day workers; two polling places change

Voters in two Washington County precincts will be heading to new locations Nov. 7.
Due to Canon-McMillan School District’s sale of First Street Elementary School, the site is not available as a polling place in Canonsburg’s First Ward, fourth precinct.
The Washington County elections office is directing voters to go to the White Eagles Club, 303 Adams Ave., where separate groups of voting machines will be set up for the fourth and third precincts.
In Charleroi, voters in Precinct 3 will be going to the Senior Center, 303 Chamber Plaza instead of Crest Avenue Apartments, which the county is calling an “emergency temporary relocation.”
“Hopefully, they’re both temporary relocations,” said Melanie Ostrander, Washington County assistant director of elections.
Consolidation and expansion of voting precincts in several municipalities, approved by Washington County Court earlier this year, is not yet taking effect.
The county is also seeking those who are willing to serve on local election boards in Mt. Pleasant and West Pike Run townships, California, Houston and New Eagle, which needs a judge of elections.
“We’ve exhausted all of our resources,” Ostrander said.
The county will train those recruited for election board work, a shift that lasts from 7 a.m. until after the polls close at 8 p.m. The base pay is $130 for the full day. There is a $20 bonus for returning voting machines, memory cards and other materials to the Courthouse Square office building on election night, plus mileage for those who travel outside of their home municipalities for county-related election day work.
Technicians and helpers known as “rovers” will be available during election day to troubleshoot.
The elections office has students from Trinity, Peters Township and Canon-McMillan school districts who will be filling in at the polls, where election boards consist of judges of election, inspectors and clerks. Students willing to travel will be assigned throughout the county where needed. “We were in the process with Ringgold, but now they’re gone,” Ostrander said Wednesday, the first day of a teachers’ strike in the Mon Valley district.