2 injured at power plant released from hospital; 2 died

SHIPPINGPORT (AP) — Authorities say two contractors injured by toxic fumes at a Pennsylvania power plant that killed two other workers have been released from the hospital, while another worker remains hospitalized but is improving.
Enerfab Corp. chief executive officer Scott Anderson says the employees were discharged from the hospital Friday. He says the 43-year-old worker still hospitalized “continues to show signs of improvement.”
Police said they were in a “confined, well-type” area at the Bruce Mansfield Power Station in Beaver County when hydrogen sulfide gas was released early Wednesday. Police said 34-year-old Kevin Bachner and 42-year-old John Gorchock, both of Pittsburgh, were unable to make it out of the well and died.
The accident at FirstEnergy’s largest coal-fired plant in Shippingport, about 35 miles northwest of Pittsburgh, remains under investigation.