Mobile home park owners taking North Strabane to county court

Despite having cleared hurdles at both the planning and township supervisor levels, the developer of a mobile home park proposed for North Strabane Township has appealed the approval to Washington County Court.
The supervisors placed 35 conditions and restrictions on the use of the multi-acre tract to be developed in phases that would eventually include 228 double-wide units. North Strabane Properties LLC of 1299 McLaughlin Run Road, Bridgeville, included the township’s several-page list in its court filing, but did not specify which it deems too restrictive. Some of the provisos are that streets throughout the park will be maintained privately, and that a CSX railroad crossing would need to be reconstructed for safe passage by both residents’ vehicles and trucks moving mobile homes. Changes to the railway crossing are estimated to cost at least $500,000. North Strabane Properties asked the court for the right to amend or supplement its notice of land-use appeal.
The developer notified the township of its intentions for the property at 29 Baltimore Ave. in October of last year. The township planning commission convened a hearing in February, approving the Christy Road Hidden Acres Mobile Home Park with conditions and recommended the supervisors do the same. North Strabane supervisors held public hearings in March and July.
The developer, in documents filed with the court, did not challenge the granting of the land-use application, but rather, the “conditions attached,” labeling them “arbitrary, capricious and an abuse of discretion contrary to law.”
No date was set for a judge to hear the case.