Hanover police charge several at concert

Hanover Township police filed charges against several people, mostly for drug-related activity, in connection with incidents in the parking lot of KeyBank Pavilion during Saturday’s Farm Aid concert.
Three people from Franklin, Venango County, were charged after an officer on patrol reportedly smelled marijuana coming from a van. Police said they spotted Gabriel Young, 44, rolling a marijuana cigarette. He also allegedly had additional marijuana and T-shirts he was planning to sell. He was charged with two counts of disorderly conduct and prohibited peddling of items.
Stephanie Lynn Moore, 39, and Emily Cooley, 26, were reportedly with Young. Moore allegedly had suspected cocaine and methadone, as well as prescription bottles without proper labels. Cooley allegedly had an empty stamp bag believed to have contained heroin.
Moore was charged with possession of cocaine, methamphetamine, prescription drugs and paraphernalia, and alteration of a prescription. Cooley was charged with disorderly conduct.
Kyle Bradley George, 24, of Monroeville, was charged with possession of marijuana and paraphernalia and tampering with evidence. Daniel T. McMullen, 60, of Pitcairn, was charged with possession of cocaine and paraphernalia. John Robert Nelson Jr., 34, of Pittsburgh, was charged with possession of LSD, disorderly conduct and acquisition of a drug through misrepresentation.
The charges were filed Monday and were sent by summons from the office of District Judge Gary Havelka.