LETTER Letter was full of fearmongering
The following will address the Feb. 4 letter by Linda Andrews, the head of the Washington County Democratic Party, regarding Conor Lamb, the party’s candidate in the 18th Congressional District special election.
I don’t know Lamb, but I sure hope he doesn’t have the values espoused by the Democratic Party. Let us not forget the recent questionable behavior of local Democrats. In her letter, Andrews engages in fearmongering, and portrays Republicans as wanting to cut Medicare and Social Security. What politician, regardless of party affiliation, would propose cutting Social Security and Medicare? Do you realize the social impact of such a measure?
Andrews’ mention of good health care, schools and nursing home care is valid, but she again turns to fearmongering to encourage people to vote for Lamb to keep their benefits. Who would take these away? Has Lamb’s Republican opponent, Rick Saccone, stated that he would remove these benefits? I have to believe that neither Lamb nor Saccone would be in favor of cutting Social Security or Medicare, unless it would be to remove those collecting benefits who shouldn’t be receiving them.
Why do I need a politician to keep me safe and healthy? We have excellent police forces and the Second Amendment. And it’s not a politician’s responsibility to manage my health. We have excellent medical facilities to handle that. If I want to sit on my front porch and smoke a cheap cigar and endanger my health, that’s my business.
Bob Knight