Upcoming electronics collections set

The Washington County Planning Commission reminds residents of electronics collections this summer at JVS Environmental, 1 American Way, Ellsworth.
The collections are scheduled for 2 to 6 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Summer dates are June 11 and 25; July 9 and 23; and Aug. 13 and 27.
Participants should enter the site from Almond Road past the beer distributorship. Televisions are limited to one per carload per event. Damaged or dismantled TVs will be accepted along with a $50 fee for handling hazardous materials. Four- and eight-foot fluorescent tubes and compact fluorescent lights will be accepted for a charge of $2 per bulb. Appliances containing freon will be accepted along with a $20 freon removal fee. Those dropping off these items must pay in cash.
Vacuum cleaners, carpet scrubbers, smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors will not be accepted, but computer monitors and related equipment and most household appliances will be collected.
Recycling at the JVS facility replaces collections previously held at the Washington County Fairgrounds and Washington Mall.
The planning commission has more information at 724-228-6811, or, on its website, www.co.washington.pa.us/planning.