Ortitay bill to help gambling addicts approved in House

The state House this week approved legislation sponsored by Rep. Jason Ortitay, R-Cecil, to help those who violate the casino or video game terminal (VGT) self-exclusion lists to obtain treatment for gambling addiction.
“While people should be applauded for recognizing they may have a gambling problem, consequences for those who violate their inclusion on the list should be helpful,” Ortitay said. “By recommending the court evaluate violators for treatment, in the long run we can help people more than by imposing a fine or community service. The end goal should be to assist people with stopping their dependence completely.”
House Bill 1325 would allow the courts the discretion to direct an individual convicted of trespass at a casino or VGT area at a truck stop to be evaluated to determine if the person has a gaming disorder and whether there is a need for counseling or treatment as part of the sentence or pretrial diversion program.
The bill now goes to the Senate for consideration.