Community foundation awards scholarships

The Washington County Community Foundation has completed its post-secondary scholarship cycle for 2019, awarding 85 scholarships totaling $306,450.
The funds, students, high schools, and awards are:
Alice Boone Main Memorial Fund – Sydney Pochiba, McGuffey High School, $500.
Arthur V. Ciervo Scholarship Fund – Casey Falcon, Bethlehem-Center High School, $500.
Black Family Scholarship Fund – Awards of $1,000 each went to Alexandra Cilia, Avella High School, and Savannah Pettit, West Greene High School.
Buckholt Science Scholarship Fund – Molly Helbley, McGuffey High School, $500.
Burgettstown Junior-Senior High School Student Council Leadership Scholarship Fund – Madison Tournay, Burgettstown High School, $500.
Burgettstown Lions Club Scholarship Fund – Three Burgettstown High School seniors received scholarships. Madison Tournay received $250; Travis Cox, $250; and Ashley Cunningham, $500.
CAS/Dr. Kim Stacher Scholarship Fund – Ieshia Matusz, Carmichaels High School, $1,000.
Chapman Family Scholarship Fund – Twelve awards were made from this fund. Recipients are: Jacob Popielarczyk, Charleroi High School, $1,000; Ashlee Slusarek, Burgettstown High School, $1,000; Abby Angus, Burgettstown High School, $2,000; Elise Benke, Waynesburg Central High School, $4,000; Dajah Gudel, California High School, $2,000; Selena Phillips, Waynesburg Central High School, $4,000; Austin Kimenski, Trinity High School, $1,000; Blaze Koteles, Canon-McMillan High School, $2,000; Alexia Myers, Avella High School, $2,000; Britney Pollock, Carmichaels High School, $4,000; Haleigh Thomas, West Greene High School, $4,000; Catherine Thompson, Waynesburg Central High School, $4,000.
Charles Pappas Sr. Scholarship Fund – Alexis Hart, Burgettstown High School, $500.
Christman Family Scholarship Fund – Tiarra Carter-Green, Washington High School, $4,000.
Clyde J. Tracanna/Washington Rotary Club Educational and Vocational Fund – Awards of $1,000 each went to Colin Walters, McGuffey High School; Rexanna Quedenfeld, Trinity High School; and Amanda Keister, Washington High School.
Cynthia McCuen Scholarship Fund – Emily Condon, McGuffey High School, $1,000.
D. Jack & Geraldine L. Gaido Memorial Scholarship Fund – Julia Faust, Trinity High School, $4,000.
Dave Pew Memorial Scholarship Fund – John Vanderhoff, Peters Township High School, $600.
David O. and Sara F. Johnson Family Education Fund – Paisley Travis, McGuffey High School, $1,000.
Elizabeth Plumer Memorial Scholarship – Nicholas Roth, Trinity High School, $1,000.
EQT Students of Excellence Award – Tanish Rastogi, Peters Township High School, $72,000.
Additionally, five awards of $1,000 each went to: Cole Bianchi, Ringgold High School; Hannah Bockius, Canon McMillan; John Lignelli, Ringgold High School; Zachary Strennen, Peters Township High School; Grant Zeszutek, Canon-McMillan High School.
Friends of MarkWest Scholarship Fund II – Anthony Venditti, Canon-McMillan High School, received $1,000. Ricky Howard, Trinity High School, received $2,000. Additionally, nine awards of $4,000 each went to Brendan Berton, Trinity High School; Joshua Colletti, Chartiers-Houston High School; Christopher Day, Trinity High School; McKenzie Faure, Fort Cherry High School; Kenna Hixenbaugh, Avella High School; Julianne Latynski, Avella High School; Erin Smith, Burgettstown High School; Carly Terensky, Avella High School; Noah Lochran, Chartiers-Houston High School.
George & Mary Matijevich Scholarship Fund – Madison Novak, Fort Cherry High School, $1,000.
Hunter Lafe McAdoo Scholarship Fund – Emily Condon, McGuffey High School, $1,000.
John & Sophie Choratch Scholarship Fund – Awards of $9,000 each went to Tyler Kerr, Canon-McMillan High School and Taylor Powers, Avella High School.
Joseph P. Femiani Memorial Scholarship – Kyle Kroboth, Peters Township High School, $1,000.
Kirk C. Moninger Fund – Chet Locy, Trinity High School, $300.
Kiwanis Club of Washington Scholarship Fund – Tyler Culp, Chartiers-Houston High School, $1,000.
Linda LeFever Scholarship Fund for a Graduate Student – Johanna St. John, Carnegie Mellon University, $1,000.
Margaret Pitek Ciervo Scholarship Fund – Teighan Finley, Bethlehem Center High School, $500.
Megan J. Phillis Scholarship Fund for Academic Excellence – Emma Gragan, Burgettstown High School, $500.
Olivia Scott Scholarship Fund – Awards of $1,000 each went to Lauren Hoge, McGuffey High School, and Carley Allen, Washington High School.
Ralph W. Young Family Scholarship Fund – Nine awards of $10,000 each went to Madelyn Koontz, Ringgold High School; Giovani Bruno, Charleroi High School; Alex Andrechak, Charleroi High School; Noah Meyers, Bethlehem-Center High School; Trent Gerard, Ringgold High School; Tyler Dobrinski, Bethlehem-Center High School; Katie Reed, Charleroi High School; Nickolas Laskey, Charleroi High School; Phoebe Wentzell, Charleroi High School.
Rebecca Sarah Rogers School Fund – Tiarra Carter-Green, Washington High School, $1,000.
Ringgold Alumni Scholarship Fund – Katelyn Chrisman, Ringgold High School, $250.
Ronald T. Miller, II Scholarship Fund – Mia Spergel, Peters Township High School, $1,000.
Ryan Johnston & Vaughn Johnston Scholarship Fund – Sydney Pochiba, McGuffey High School, $1,500.
Sam & Bev Minor Fund – Angela Tocci, Trinity High School, $1,000.
Scholarship Fund for the Arts – Kathryn Crouch, Chartiers-Houston High School, $800.
Sprowls College & Post-Graduate Scholarship Fund – Kathryn Robinson, Fort Cherry High School, $1,000.
Three Oaks Scholarship Fund – Two awards of $1,000 each went to Burgettstown High School seniors Alia Bowers and Ashlee Slusarek.
Timothy Edward Hitchon Scholarship Fund – Mya Quarture, Trinity High School, $1,000.
Washington County Gay Straight Alliance Scholarship Fund – Two awards of $4,000 each went to Regis Curtis, Fort Cherry High School, and Maylyn Torpey, Burgettstown High School.
Washington County Visiting Nurses’ Association Scholarship Fund – Two awards of $1,750 each went to Lauren McGavitt, who studies nursing at Waynesburg University, and Akira Wheeler, who studies nursing at Wheeling Jesuit University.
William L. & Barbara M. Laird Fund – Tori Danna, a student at Slippery Rock University, received $1,000.
Cumulatively, the Washington County Community Foundation has awarded more than $1,300,000 in post-secondary scholarships to local students. The WCCF also awards scholarships to pre-kindergarten students and scholarships to kindergarten through grade 12 students attending non-public schools. Cumulatively, more than $2,200,000 has been awarded from all scholarship funds. To learn more about the WCCF’s scholarship opportunities, please visit