Police beat June 29
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Illegal deer jerky alleged: Robert W. Stout, 72, of 196 Morris Hill Road, was charged by the state game commission with six counts of illegally selling game, following an investigation that began in 2017. State game Warden Brandon Bonin said in the criminal complaint that he had heard Stout, a member of the Mt. Morris Sportsman’s Club, mention selling deer jerky, in July 2017. He said that in December 2017, and twice in January 2019, Stout sold jerky to a confidential informant. The complaint said Stout also purchased three deer carcasses Jan. 17 to turn them into jerky.
Strangulation charge: James Leon Roach, 54, of 252 ½ Bridge St., was charged by borough police with stragulation, simple assault and harassment following a domestic disturbance at his residence Thursday evening. Police said Roach put his hands on his niece’s throat and choked her after they had argued about 6:22 p.m.